Varien_Object and Varien_Collection are the parent/super class for most of the Magento Models and Collections respectively. The path for Varien_Object…
2013 July
Magento is a feature rich e-commerce platform which offers several shipping methods out of the box. However, when building large…
I needed a custom button to call a url. I wanted this button to appear above my grid in Admin>Sales>Orders.This…
System > My Account :-If you would like to change your default password and user name, the security of your…
<?php if(strlen($pname) > 28) {echo substr($pname,0,25);}else {echo $pname;}?>
Get all items information in cart// $items = Mage::getModel(‘checkout/cart’)->getQuote()->getAllItems();$items = Mage::getSingleton(‘checkout/session’)->getQuote()->getAllItems();foreach($items as $item) {echo ‘ID: ‘.$item->getProductId().’‘;echo ‘Name: ‘.$item->getName().’‘;echo ‘Sku: ‘.$item->getSku().’‘;echo…
If you would like to move the currency switcher from the left column to the header, you can use the…
Can you help me discover the solution to removing .html from Magento category URL?How configure magento such that the category…
Customer Groups:-User can create and view customer groups from Magento admin panel. Admin can view all defined customer groups by…
1. Germany German–german-germany-language-pack Key : magento-community/Locale_Mage_community_de_DE 2. France and French:–french-france-language-pack 3.Spanish:–spanish-spain-language-pack key: magento-community/Locale_Mage_community_es_ES 4.Portuguese:–portuguese-brazil-language-pack Key : magento-community/Locale_Mage_community_pt_BR 5.Russian:…