This is simple example to get nested category list. We can easily create a left navigation and a drop-down menu…
2013 August
<?php// find ‘path’ in table ‘core_config_data’ e.g. ‘design/head/demonotice’$my_change_config = new Mage_Core_Model_Config();// turns notice on$my_change_config->saveConfig(‘design/head/demonotice’, “1”, ‘default’, 0);// turns notice off$my_change_config->saveConfig(‘design/head/demonotice’,…
AJAX Ajax Framework Apache Host Configuration and name change Apache Host Configuration and name change c:windowssystem32drivers file : hosts Change…
Magento: Save shipment information of order programatically After creating invoice and shipment, it is necessary to add tracking information to…
If your Magento website have feature where guest user can place an order without registering themself in your site, you…
Suppose you want to add column to some table before it gets save in Magento. Example, Magento doesn’t save regular…
In Magento, it’s a feature to create multiple invoices and shipments. But you can’t find the link between invoice with…
If you use the Magento event / observer system for extending Magento (if you don’t you should) then you will…
If you have noticed or not, in version 1.5 of Magento when you use GROUP BY clause in any Grid.php…
<?php $helper = $this->helper(‘catalog/category’) ?> <?php foreach ($helper->getStoreCategories() as $_category): ?> <a href=”<?php echo Mage::getModel(‘catalog/category’) …