Unfortunately there is no magic button you can push to upgrade your version of Enterprise. If you have enterprise, you’ll…
Classic Blog List
If anyone of you facing problems to fetch the Magento URL paths of skin, media, Js or simple base URL…
This is a pretty easy one, but it’s something that can come in very handy at times. Say you want…
In Magento, whenever you make changes to products, static blocks, etc, it recognizes that the data in the database is…
Somewhere around Magento 1.5, message from the title of this post begun to pop on every product save.Although quite anoying,…
Add the below code in the catalog.xml in the product view section <block type=”review/product_view_list” name=”product.info.product_additional_data” as=”reviews” template=”review/product/view/list.phtml”> <block type=”review/form” name=”product.review.form”…
Here is the code to get the cms block in magento front end. $this->getLayout()->createBlock(‘cms/block’)->setBlockId(‘blockidentifier’)->toHtml() In the editor you can simply…
below is the code to show magento pages in a drop down box <select name=”page”> <?php foreach (Mage::getResourceModel(‘cms/page_collection’) as $page){…