Classic Blog List

Style & publish your blog list anywhere on your site using a bunch of Scalia's blog options. Choose from 8 awesome bloglist styles, including grids & carousel. Select categories to be displayed, number of posts, pagination style and much more. Check Scalia's blog features in the sidebar.
Add Category Filter on Product Collection In Magento

Here is the code to add category filter on the product collection $productcollection = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/product’)->getCollection();$productcollection = $productcollection->addCategoryFilter(Mage::getModel(‘catalog/category’)->load($currcategory),true);$productcollection = $productcollection->addAttributeToFilter(‘special_price’, array(‘gt’…

Current page variable in magento

Get title <?=Mage::getSingleton(‘cms/page’)->getTitle()?> Get Identifier <? echo Mage::getBlockSingleton(‘cms/page’)->getPage()->getIdentifier()?> Get Page ID <? echo Mage::getBlockSingleton(‘cms/page’)->getPage()->getId()?>

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