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Magento Transactional Emails

Magento Provide Transitional emails which will allow to create or customize our won email template
Some of the Template variable which we can used in our customization or which are widely used and some magento provide by default
– For registration:
{{var customer}}
{{var customer.ID}}
{{var customer.email}}
{{var customer.firstname}}
{{var customer.lastname}}
{{var customer.name}}
{{var customer.password}}
{{var customer.created_in}} Store Name
{{var customer.dob}} Date of Birth
{{var customer.password_hash}}
{{var customer.prefix}}
{{var customer.middlename}} Initial
{{var customer.suffix}}
{{var customer.group_id}}
{{var customer.taxvat}}
{{var customer.store.name}}
{{var customer.store.group.name}}
– To subscribe/unsubscribe newsletter:
{{var subscriber.getConfirmationLink()}}
{{var subscriber.getUnsubscriptionLink()}}
{{var subscriber.email}}
– Send to a friend:
{{var product_image}}
{{var name}} Recipient’s Name
{{var email}} Recipient’s Email
{{var product_name}} Product Name
{{var product_url}} Product Url
{{var message}} Message Text
{{var sender_name}} Sender’s Name
{{var sender_email}} Sender’s Email
{{var product_image}} Product Image
– Depend Condition
{{depend order.getIsNotVirtual()}}
{{depend salable}}
– If Condition
{{if order.getIsNotVirtual()}}
(else is optional)
– Skin
{{skin url=”‘}}
– Store
{{store url=””}}
– New order : Shipping Address
{{var order.getShippingAddress().format(‘html’)}}
Items of the shipping address :
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getName()}} Get the first and last name
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getPrefix()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getFirstName()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getMiddleName()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getLastName()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getSuffix()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getStreet1()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getStreet2()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getCity()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getRegion()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getPostcode()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getCountry()}} Get the country’s ID
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getCountryModel().getName()}} Get the country’s full name
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getRegion()}}
{{var order.getShippingAddress().getTelephone()}}
– Other
{{var addAllLink}}
{{var alertGrid}}
{{var billingAddress.format(‘html’)}}
{{var checkoutType}}
{{var comment}}
{{var creditmemo.id}}
{{var creditmemo.increment_id}}
{{var data.comment}}
{{var data.email}}
{{var data.name}}
{{var data.telephone}}
{{var dateAndTime}}
{{var invoice.id}}
{{var invoice.increment_id}}
{{var invoice.created_at}}
{{var items}}
{{var items_html}}
{{var message}}
{{var name}}
{{var order.customer_email}}
{{var order.getBillingAddress().format(‘html’)}}
{{var order.getBillingAddress().getName()}}
{{var order.getCreatedAtFormated(‘long’)}}
{{var order.getCustomerName()}}
{{var order.getCustomerFirstname()}}
{{var order.getCustomerLastname()}}
{{var order.getEmailCustomerNote()}} Currently unknwon how to test this variable for being set/empty
{{var order.getShippingDescription()}}
{{var order.getStatusLabel()}}
{{var order.getStoreGroupName()}}
{{var order.id}}
{{var order.increment_id}}
{{var password}}
{{var payment_html}}
{{var paymentMethod}}
{{var product_name}}
{{var product_url}}
{{var reason}} Reason for payment failure
{{var shipment.increment_id}}
{{var shippingAddress.format(‘html’)}}
{{var shippingMethod}}
{{var total}}
{{var user.name}}
{{var viewOnSiteLink}}
{{var warnings}}
{{var billing.name}}
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