Sometimes We need to remove the Attribute from already build Configurable product…As it is hard to remove but we can…
Useful Tricks
Create attribute Drag it to appropriate attribute set Go to phpmyadmin, table ‘catalog_eav_attribute’ and look at the last…
If certain precaution are not taken on time then magento Database could go extremely large.AS most of the low performance…
First of all overwrite the file app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Layer.php and copy this file to app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Model/Layer.php In function getProductCollection(), Put this code after…
We know Magento support multiple currency. Use following code given below to check current currency in the Magento site frontend….
If you want to use GROUP BY on a time stamp field to fetch data for each day use the…
addAttributeToFilter is a function that can be called on a product collection in Magento. In short, it adds a condition…
When we are filtering data in Magento, time occurs when we want to fetch result after filters like Not equal,…
In this blog we will see how generate a category tree, recursively showing all categories and sub categories. The code…
Here, I will show you the code to get the most viewed products in Magento. The function addViewsCount() filters the…