There are some pages in Magento with no breadcrumbs enabled by default. In order to enable it, for example, on…
Useful Tricks
In order to create the menu a function need to be added. The function that will receive the ID of…
Magento Layered Navigation in Drop-Down It is very simple.We just need to replace the contents of file/app/design/frontend/default/your-magento-template/template/catalog/layer/filter.phtmlwith <select onchange=”setLocation(this.value)”> <option…
1-Get List of Files Changed on / between Revisionssvn diff -r REVNO:HEAD –summarize If you want to know about the…
To delete all the .svn files inside a folder , open the folder in terminal and execute the below given command. find…
When reindexing “Category Flat Data ” gives error Cannot initialize the indexer process. I run the below query and the…
<?php$simpleProductId = 465;$parentIds = Mage::getResourceSingleton(‘catalog/product_type_configurable’) ->getParentIdsByChild($simpleProductId);$product = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/product’)->load($parentIds[0]);echo $product->getId(); // ID = 462 (aka, Parent of 465)?>
If you are building website in Magento, you may have noticed that there are two columns insales_flat_order table which are confusing….
//linked in like button //twitter tweet button //facebook like button //google +1 button
Magento : Add custom image attribute to category Just copy paste the below code in header.phtml and run yourmagento once,…